A couple days ago, I was interviewing a programmer for a job, and he brought up an article I wrote four years ago and had pretty much forgotten. It was one of those articles that you (I) write quickly when
What’s New in HTML5-land? Source Code Protection?
Recently, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sent out a tweet asking for participants in a new community group to explore solutions for protecting web app source code. To understand why this issue is important and controversial, you need to know that
Are you ready to build an app?
Building mobile apps is time-consuming, intensive, and expensive. However, the technical part of it isn’t the hard part. Most ideas that I’ve heard for mobile apps are possible to build. Even the ideas that are pretty ambitious are still possible
Web RTC and the Hang-out Web
Not a lot of people are talking about Web “versions” these days, because it’s a silly idea. But, when you do hear people in the Web industry argue about what Web 3.0 means and if we’re there yet, it actually
Responsive Design Takes Over the Web!

Web designers and clients are starting to appreciate the importance of making sure that Web pages and emails can be read on many different devices.
Why is Mobile so Difficult?
If you started your mobile Web project from scratch today, with no knowledge of how the mobile Web differs from the desktop Web, you’d spend months chasing down strange bugs and figuring out how to create some bit of consistency between different devices.
If you knew just one trick, you could reduce this debugging time to weeks.
What’s New in HTML5-land? Blink!
In early April, Google announced that they are leaving the WebKit family to start their own browser engine, called Blink. So, Google messed everything up, but in a good way!
How and Why to Write Computer Books (part 2)
Writing a computer book is a grueling experience (for me, at least) that requires at least 20 hours of my time per week for a period of 4-6 months and doesn’t pay much or anything. Why do I do it?
How and Why to Write a Computer Book (Part 1)
I’ve been writing professionally about Web development and computer programming for 15 years now. I’ve written hundreds of articles, five published books, two online courses, plenty of chapters in other people’s books, and two unpublished books. I’m no where near
Online Learning Through the Instructor’s Eyes
I’ve been teaching an online course for several months now. For a year prior to that, I was writing the course and working with the team at Ed2Go to make it sparkle. My course gets an average of about 150 students each month. Since