The whole art / science of search engine optimization (SEO) can be distilled down to the following: “Do the right things, consistently over time, to make your web pages show up more often in relevant searches.” From an outsider’s perspective,
Doing Difficult Things
What is difficult? Everyone has their own answer to this question, but for many people, the list might include: speaking in public writing a book learning a language running a marathon One thing that people who have accomplished something difficult
Just Stop Trying to Revolutionize Stuff!
In high tech startup culture, it’s popular (in fact, almost a requirement) for founders to speak in terms of revolutionary change, and “disruptive innovation” that will destroy existing ways of doing business and traditional economic models. Meanwhile, the vast majority
Start Making Mistakes Today!
The stories of invention we hear most often are those that involve visionary people tirelessly experimenting to bring their world-changing vision to life. Despite years of of failure and ridicule, they persevere because they know they’re right. Thomas Edison and
Overcoming Writer’s Block
When writers don’t know what to write about, the topic of writer’s block invariably comes up. A Google search for the term “writer’s block” comes up with 3,900,000 results. Books have been written about writer’s block. Every writer has written
Total Immersion and Learning
Total Immersion swimming (or TI) is a method of swimming instruction invented by Terry Laughlin. It emphasizes balance, streamlined movements, and strong, efficient propulsion instead of kicking faster or moving your arms more quickly. TI swimming is beautiful, nearly effortless,
What Do We Mean By ‘The Beginner’s Mind’?
Shoshin is a concept in Zen Buddism meaning “beginner’s mind.” The idea behind shoshin is to approach learning with openness and without preconceptions, as a beginner would. WatzThis? chose “The Beginner’s Mind” as our tagline because we strive to teach
4 Tips for Dealing With Technology During the Holidays
Happy December! It’s officially the time of office holiday parties, family get-togethers, wassailing, and drinking eggnog as chestnuts roast over the duraflame embers. For those of us who work with technology, it’s also the time of year when we’re excited to get
Learning Through Distraction
For many of us, there’s a tremendous amount of pressure to keep up with an increasing pace of change and to learn new skills more quickly and to absorb more information. This is all very new. Our brains aren’t used
Coding JavaScript For Dummies and the WatzThis Authoring Method (WAM!)
Eva and I are hard at work on a new book for Wiley Publishing, titled Coding JavaScript For Dummies. The book is scheduled to be released in spring 2015 and we have more than 25% of it written now. In